
Willemen Infra and the CO₂ Performance Ladder

Making Amsterdam sustainable with the CO₂ Performance Ladder

TII’s Experience with the CO₂ Performance Ladder
Find out how international contracting authorities and companies work with the CO2 Performance Ladder and what is needed to successfully implement it.
See blogs
- Blog
Tendering with the CO₂ Performance Ladder: in line with EU procurement law
When issuing a public tender in the EU, you must comply with the requirements of European procurement law. Using the CO2 Performance Ladder as an award criterion to determine the most economically advantageous tender (MEAT) on the basis of the best price-quality is in line with this legislation, provided you…

- Blog
5 questions about the CO₂ Performance Ladder for SMEs
More than two-thirds of all Ladder certified organisations are Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), ranging from companies in the civil engineering and transport sector to consultancy firms. In this article, we lay out the interesting benefits the CO₂ Performance Ladder can have for SMEs and how you can make smart…
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