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Green Public Procurement with the no. 1 decarbonisation tool

Start reducing your emissions

What is the CO₂ Performance Ladder?

The CO2 Performance Ladder is an easy and effective tool that drives decarbonisation and innovation. It helps governments buy green and make significant climate impact by giving sustainable companies a financial advantage. It serves as both a procurement instrument and a CO2 management system.

  • Carbon reduction tool for all organisations
  • Certified organisations gain award advantage
  • Compliant with European procurement law
  • Certified organisations cut CO2 twice as fast
  • GPP best practice according to IPCC, OECD, WEF
Who is climbing the Ladder

Who is already climbing the Ladder?

More than 8,000 organisations already have a CO₂ Performance Ladder certificate and more than 300 contracting authorities use the CO₂ Performance Ladder in tenders.

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Europe square

The Ladder in your country

The CO2 Performance is expanding across Europe! It is being introduced in France, Germany, Ireland, Portugal and the UK, alongside its established presence in the Netherlands and Belgium. Find out more about the implementation in your country. 

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Willemen Infra and the CO₂ Performance Ladder


Screenshot video making Amsterdam sustainable

Making Amsterdam sustainable with the CO₂ Performance Ladder


TII’s Experience with the CO₂ Performance Ladder


Find out how international contracting authorities and companies work with the CO2 Performance Ladder and what is needed to successfully implement it.

About SKAO

About SKAO

The Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement and Business (in Dutch: SKAO) is responsible for all matters regarding the Ladder: its use, its continued development, managing the certification scheme, expanding to new industries. SKAO helps companies and governments reduce CO2, aiming for a climate-neutral business environment by connecting parties, sharing knowledge, and building a strong network.

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About SKAO
Greep Public Procurement with the CO₂ Performance Ladder
  • Blog

Green Public Procurement with the CO₂ Performance Ladder

Green Public Procurement can play an important role in greening the economy and achieving climate goals. As a government, it can sometimes be quite a challenge to decide exactly how to integrate sustainability in your tenders. The CO2 Performance Ladder offers a solution here. In this article, we explain the…

Amsterdam certification
  • Practical story

How Amsterdam securely anchors its climate ambitions with the Ladder

The Netherlands’ largest municipality and capital city, Amsterdam, has been certified at level 3 of the CO2 Performance Ladder since 2024. Although the municipality has been actively working on CO2 reduction for several years, including by making their premises and vehicle fleet more sustainable, the Ladder gives the municipality an…


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Franky Van den Berghe and Dirk Christianen from Willemen Infra show us around at their asphalt plant in Belgium. How does Willemen Infra reduce its carbon emissions by using the CO2 Performance Ladder?

To prepare Amsterdam for major climactic changes the CO₂ Performance Ladder is a guiding principle in Amsterdam’s public procurement. Amsterdam and its partners show us how they work with the Ladder. Over the last 14 years, the CO₂ Performance Ladder has developed into a key Green Public Procurement (GPP) tool and the number one CO₂ management system in the Netherlands and Belgium. To support the implementation of the CO₂ Performance Ladder across Europe, our testimonials represent a selection of stories and examples from the history of the Ladder since 2009. They collect the lessons we have learned: what is needed to successfully implement the Ladder, and what benefits does it bring?

Micheál O’Connor, Senior Procurement Executive at Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) talks about his experience implementing the Ladder into their procurement process.