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Meerlanden Holding was established in 1996 thanks to a collaboration between the municipalities of Haarlemmermeer and Aalsmeer with the aim of achieving efficient waste collection and street cleaning in both municipalities. Over the years, several municipalities have joined the company. These are the municipalities of Bloemendaal, Diemen, Haarlemmermeer, Heemstede, Hillegom,…
More demand for sustainability and corporate social responsibility in tenders The different companies of Bechtle are active in the B2B IT market. The corporation has 70.000 clients worldwide, both in the public as well as commercial sector. For the public sector, which contains governmental organisations, Bechtle works according to tender…
On Wednesday the 13th of February, Gelderland obtained a certificate on level 3 of the CO₂ Performance Ladder. For the Foundation of Climate Friendly Procurement and Business (SKAO), owner and administrator of the CO₂ Performance Ladder, the certificate award ceremony was a great opportunity to ask the province about…
‘Meat your veggies’ “When we, as a meat processing company, continue on the current path of meat products, then in a few years we will no longer have the right to exist”, says Roy Bolscher, director of Bolscher meat processing, in an interview with Dutch newspaper Tubantia. Earlier SKAO spoke…
First large scale solar noise barrier The collaborating parties state that this noise barrier is the first of its kind to have been installed with the so-called ‘bi-facial’ solar panels on such a large scale. The traffic noise barrier is 40 meters long. With the opening of Solar Highways in…
Working efficiently to cut back carbon emissions Thanks to the implementation of the CO₂ Performance Ladder, Van Diepen had been awarded a project in which the Ladder was applied as a sustainable procurement instrument. The project was initiated by the Dutch municipality of Koggenland. During a period of three years,…
Climate neutral in 2030 The Dutch province of Gelderland aims to be climate neutral in 2030. By applying insulation materials on its buildings, removing gas installations for heating to make use of heating pumps instead and installing solar panels to generate green electricity, the province strives towards more reduction of…
The research report ‘On the road to climate neutral infrastructure in the Netherlands’ was published in 2018. At this moment, the report is only available in Dutch. The research project is supported by the Dutch ministry of Economics (MVI-Energieproject, Topsector Energie). The research resulted to transition scenarios of the most…
“The app of Innovactory originated from the idea to let motorists drive more efficiently”, says Lucien Groenhuijzen, CEO of Innovactory. With knowledge and experience that he acquired from his former employer, TomTom, he started Innovactory in 2013. “People travel in fixed patterns. When they frequently travel by car, they…
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