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Construction machinery was replaced much sooner, A and B label company vehicles were added to the fleet and sustainable asphalt became the preferred option. Despite these concrete sustainable measures, in the past year, Mourik Infra pulled in just five extra assignments as a result of the CO₂-ladder. Sustainability manager Cora…
Energy saving The KNVB advocates a sustainable football environment. A sustainable football environment is not only good for the climate, it also saves a football club money. A club can save money and reduce costs with climate friendly products such as LED lighting, insulation and solar yields. With the implemantation…
1. Supply chains account for the bulk of corporate emissions If a company is aspiring to cut the carbon impact of its products, looking only within its own four walls wont cut it. The CDP research reveals most supply chain emissions are around four times the operational emissions for…
It is clear that the instrument is a success in The Netherlands, with over 700 certificates and frequent use in big tenders. In his presentation, Gijs Termeer, manager of SKAO, elaborated on the effect the ladder has had on the Dutch infrastructure sector, the development to other sectors and the…
The proportion of Dutch green power is therefore greater than last year, because in 2013 39.9 TWh of certified renewable electricity was used in The Netherlands, of which 10.3 TWh was generated in the The Nethelands (26%). In this annual survey mapped much guarantees of origin (GVO) are…
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