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The Climate Friendly Procurement & Business Foundation (SKAO) has set up a network to facilitate contracting authorities in using the CO₂ Performance Ladder. The idea of the Network is that contracting authorities learn from each other and inspire each other about the possibilities of using the Ladder as a tendering…
Another training “CO₂ Performance Ladder for Advisers” will take place on 23 September and 16 December. This time the training is based on the recently published Handbook 3.1 and is given by Stichting Stimular and with a contribution from SKAO. As a consultant, would you like to (better) guide organizations…
CO2 has been making data available for CO2 emission factors and the calculation of CO2 emissions since 2014, after signing the Green Deal. Together with Connekt, MilieuCentraal, SKAO and Stimular, Rijkswaterstaat is now launching the renewed website On the website, visitors can find everything about the standardized list…
With the Rabo Impact Loan, Rabobank gives an interest discount to companies and organizations that do business with a sustainable or social impact. As a certified organization for the CO2 Performance Ladder, you receive an interest discount from level 3 up to 0.65%. Is your organization at the forefront of…
According to the report of the Remkes Committee, nitrogen emissions must be halved in the next ten years to improve the state of Dutch nature. The construction sector will also have to invest in sustainable measures to meet the nitrogen ambitions of the Remkes Commission. According to Gijs Termeer of…
What is your role in the CCvD? Jeroen works at De Vries and Van de Wiel and represents the association of hydraulic engineers. “That is sometimes quite difficult, because there are large and small hydraulic engineers and they sometimes have different wishes.” He himself works for a medium to large…
The Handbook of the CO₂ Performance Ladder is continuously being developed. The basis of the further development are evaluations of Handbook elements, wishes of (international) organizations and the need for more impact on projects. In Handbook 3.1, a number of requirements are more compactly described and clarified, which improves readability.
Handbook 3.1 of the CO₂ Performance Ladder was published on 22 June 2020. From this moment on it is possible for organizations to be certified in accordance with the new standard. What does this mean for contracting authorities and buyers? Impact on projects The most important change to Handbook…
This plan contains 35 additional measures to promote a European circular economy. The most outstanding? Circular procurement becomes less non-binding. The EU wants to introduce targets and reports to further stimulate circular procurement. Like the Netherlands, the EU also recognizes the importance of circularity. By 2050, each member state…
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