What is The Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement and Business and how are you involved in the CO₂ Performance Ladder, in short?


The foundation stimulates and facilitates effective dialogue between companies, governments and social organizations about environmental-friendly entrepreneurship that is aimed at CO₂ reduction. The foundation is owner of the CO₂ Performance Ladder; a sustainability tool that helps companies reduce their CO₂ emissions. Every day, the CO₂ Performance Ladder proves its value to an increasing number of industries. Our foundation is responsible for its use, the development and the certification scheme. I am the manager for marketing and communications.


Why is it essential for construction industry companies to actively reduce their carbon footprint?


The construction industry has a significant impact on greenhouse gas emissions through the use of energy and carbon intense materials. That’s why this industry can make a huge impact on national climate targets. Research shows that construction companies certified for the CO₂ Performance Ladder achieve an annual 3.2 percent reduction in CO₂.  Very remarkable, given how the national average has CO₂ emissions actually increasing. Because of the ladder, company awareness about CO₂ reduction has increased 2.5 fold.


What is the CO₂ Performance Ladder and what makes it special?


The CO₂ Performance Ladder is a management system that encourages companies to cut their own CO₂ emissions. The ladder has five levels. A company can reach the next level through incremental improvements in its existing process, and through innovations in technologies and methods. The position of a  company on the CO₂ Performance Ladder is determined by the highest level on which the company  meets all requirements.


A great thing about the CO₂ Performance Ladder is that a company will gain financial benefits from procuring bodies who use the ladder for awarding tenders. The higher the level of the company on the CO₂-Performance Ladder (as in, the more it works towards CO₂-reductions), the higher the award advantage. So in this case, being sustainable is profitable. Procuring bodies give up to 10% award advantage in multi-million euro projects.




There are various ways to do this. For example, a more economical use of fuel, a more efficient way of using materials or by procuring green energy. A company  then shares this knowledge with other companies. That’s how companies show a drive for innovation – and not just in their own business, but across the entire chain. More than 2400 companies have a certificate for the CO₂ performance ladder and this number is growing fast.


How can a construction industry company benefit from using it; can you mention any examples?


Implementing ‘the ladder’ has a big effect on business operations. The award advantage can be huge. Strukton, a big rail company from the Netherands, reduced its CO₂ by one fifth down to some 13.000 tonnes per years since 2003 . All their lease cars have received a downgrade in size. The company also distributed train tickets to their lease drivers, with the amount of train related kilometres per year still increasing. One special measure is the self-signalling short-circuit lance, which uses an app to turn the rail on and off from a distance. This saves costs and is much safer. CO₂ reducing measures tend to also be cost reducing, acting as an added incentive. Other measures include green energy, large machines and the recycling of materials/ballast. Using multiple smaller machines to work on the rail results in 35% more CO₂ output than using large maintenance machines.


Construction companies work with many suppliers and subcontractors. Ho