
Implementation in Belgium

Between 2019 and 2023, the CO2 Performance Ladder was tested in public works contracts across Belgium. The pilot aimed to give companies with a Ladder certificate, or those working towards one, an advantage in these tenders, as the Ladder is implemented in the Netherlands. 

Over four years, 24 pilot tenders were launched, mostly in infrastructure and construction. The evaluation showed that contracting authorities and certified companies are positive about the tool and its potential to reduce climate impact. With the pilot phase complete, the CO2 Performance Ladder is being structurally implemented in Belgium.

“It is not overly complicated. That offers two advantages. First, the initial investment is easy to recoup. Secondly, you can spend more time on achieving the objective that the certificate aims at (namely carbon reduction), than you do on the administration of obtaining the certificate.” 

– Jan Van Steirteghem, Chief operating officer (COO) of construction company BESIX

Our Belgian partner

The CO2 Performance Ladder in Belgium is coordinated by BENOR in collaboration with the Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement and Business (in Dutch: SKAO).  

Would you like more information on implementation in Belgium or how to get started? Visit or contact Silke Hoebeek. Visit CO₂-Prestatieladder België on LinkedIn for updates about the implementation in Belgium.


Willemen Infra and the CO₂ Performance Ladder


The CO₂ Performance Ladder in Belgium: time for structural implementation


The arrival of the Ladder in Belgium. ‘We were immediately interested’



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