The assessment was conducted by Arup for the Northern Alliance for Greenhouse Action (NAGA), to investigate the potential of the tool in the Australian market. SKAO has been involved in this research by sharing knowledge with NAGA.
The study was applied to four local governments in Melbourne and found that the ladder has the potential to generate emissions savings amongst suppliers even greater than the corporate emissions of the participating local governments.
The study also found interest from both suppliers and procurement officers at local governments in using the tool to decrease their carbon emissions.
NAGA is now leading a submission for funding from the Victorian state government to develop a business case and test the implementation of the CO₂ Performance Ladder.
SKAO is happy to see that the potential CO₂ Performance Ladder is being investigated outside The Netherlands and that the outcome of the feasibility study for the CO₂ Performance Ladder in Melbourne is positive. We are looking forward to the result of the next proposal.