Rijkswaterstaat Assignment

Paul Lomans is a highly driven professional and to him sustainable entrepreneurship is only natural. And that is how the CO₂ Performance Ladder came into view. The financial crisis and restructuring within Lomans delayed implementation of the ladder, until 2014, with the prospect of an assignment for Rijkswaterstaat. The award advantage of the ladder stimulated Lomans to round up the certification process as quickly as possible. The first certificate at level 3 was attained in 2014, and in 2015 Lomans rose to level 5. The certificate is now mainly used as a management system and as a big stick to structurally reduce CO₂.

Everyone working towards CO₂ reduction

Lomans has implemented various measures to obtain the Ladder certificate. It has procured 100% green energy, invested in solar roof panels and the company fleet has been given a sustainability upgrade. Many mechanics are now driving around in vans rather than private cars. Four electric vehicles have been purchased thus far, with another five arriving this year. A compressor has been installed on company terrain, allowing employees to check their tyre pressure. In addition, last year’s green driver challenge was hosted to challenge employees to drive more efficiently. The management board stated that the total amount in euros saved by driving more efficiently could be spent on prizes for all those participating. With a final tally of 750 euros, Lomans was able to share prizes among the three winners and the other participants.

Learning process

Making all company processes more sustainable was far from evident. As it turned out, the A-Label Skodas leased by Lomans were a solid choice in theory. But in practice, these efficient cars appeared more thirsty than they should. After all, the cars were designated to transport a crew of four and equipment to the construction sites. This high-use was not what Lomans intended, and by now these cars have been phased out.


Whats more, Jan Wildvank (KAM-member) came to a remarkable conclusion. Everyone assumes that the requirement to have the tyre pressure checked twice yearly was met with the summer-winter tyre change. The mechanic often uses default values and fills all tyres with the same amount. The type of car is not taken into consideration. That is why Lomans installed its own compressor.

Effects of CO₂ Performance Ladder

Is there a measurable effect of certifying with the CO₂ Performance Ladder and all taken actions? Jan is extremely clear on this: “Our relative CO₂ emission has decreased by some 50% between 2012 and 2015.” Despite Lomans’ ongoing growth, the total amount of emitted CO₂ continues to decrease because of the taken measures. Jan also states: “You can tell its becoming more important to people. Everyone was quite hesitant to start with, but now you can see that even our mechanics are eager to join, too.”