The Government of Ireland’s annual public sector purchasing accounts for 10% to 12% of the country’s GDP – and thus has the potential to stimulate the provision of more resource-efficient, less polluting goods, services and works within the marketplace. The CO2 Performance Ladder is a practical instrument that can be used to stimulate structural CO₂ reduction through procurement. More specifically, it provides an award advantage in tenders for applicants that ensure the implementation of an effective CO₂ management system.
Pat Barry, CEO at the Irish Green Building Council said: “By incorporating the CO2 Performance Ladder into their tendering processes, public bodies can send a clear message to the market: sustainability is not an option; it is an imperative. The CO2 Performance Ladder is a proven instrument in public procurement and carbon emissions reduction. It has been highly successful in mainstreaming green public procurement in the Netherlands, and we are pleased to help bring it to Ireland”.
Dr Vincent O’Malley, Head of Environmental Policy & Compliance at Transport Infrastructure Ireland added: “TII is fully committed to carbon emission reduction and to the advancement of a greener future for Ireland. We believe that the CO2 Performance Ladder is a practical tool that can help us achieve our sustainability goals.”
The use of the CO2 Performance Ladder can enable Irish governments and businesses to translate their climate ambition into reality. With a certificate on the CO2 Performance Ladder, companies are rewarded with a concrete award advantage during the tendering process. A contractor indicates in the tender that it will perform the contract on one of the five ambition levels of the CO2 Performance Ladder. The higher the ‘step’, the more effort organisations invest in CO2 reduction. Commitment at a higher-level result in a higher award advantage, thereby increasing the probability of winning the contract, and enabling contracting authorities to stimulate the sustainable economy. The commissioning party decides the award advantage an organisation can receive on each level of the Ladder.
The CO2 Performance Ladder in Ireland is coordinated by the Irish Green Building Council (IGBC), in collaboration with the Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement and Business – Stichting Klimaatvriendelijk Aanbesteden en Ondernemen, SKAO, in Dutch.