On 14 January 2025, the new version of the CO2 Performance Ladder was published: handbook 4.0.* With a transition scheme, we want to make the transition from version 3.1 to version 4.0 as smooth as possible. Organisations and contracting authorities are given three years to fully migrate to version 4.0. What exactly does this transition scheme look like? And what does it mean for all parties?

Version 4.0 of the CO2 Performance Ladder brings quite a few changes compared to the previous version, 3.1. For instance, the five levels of certification have been replaced by three steps and organisations are asked to be even more ambitious when it comes to reducing their own CO2 emissions (scope 1 and 2), their emissions in the chain (scope 3) and emissions outside the value chain. In addition, parties must pay more attention to long-term ambitions and the broader anchoring of CO2 reduction within their organisation.

The transition scheme: why and what is it?

The transition to version 4.0 requires quite a few adjustments from certificate holders, contracting authorities and Certifying Bodies (CBs) alike. To make this transition as smooth as possible, we have opted for a phased transition arrangement of three years in total, from the publication of version 4.0 on 14 January 2025. This period gives interested parties ample time to familiarise themselves with version 4.0 and comply with the new standards.

Transitional scheme CO₂ Performance Ladder

What does the transition scheme mean for Certifying Bodies (CBs)?

In the first six months (until 14 June 25), everyone has time to get acquainted with the new standard. During this period, Certification Bodies (CBs) will obtain additional accreditation so that they too will be ready to conduct audits on the new standard from this summer. To create a level playing field, CBs may not perform audits for the standards of version 4.0 until 14 July 2025.

What does the transition scheme mean for certificate holders?

Certificate holders are given time after the launch to orientate themselves regarding the new version of the CO2 Performance Ladder. We recommend actually taking this time and not rushing into any decisions. In the first six months, organisations cannot yet be audited according to version 4.0 anyway, as certification bodies are not yet authorised to do so. If you work with an external consultant, it is useful to involve them in the orientation process.

Getting started with new standards

After this orientation, certificate holders should get to work applying the new requirements in the standard to their existing ambitions, goals and measures. Most companies currently certified at level 3 will qualify for step 1 of version 4.0 with comparable effort.

For parties certified at level 4 or 5 of the 3.1 version, the adjustment will be greater. Indeed, step 2 and 3 of version 4.0 require a significantly higher level of ambition, especially with regard to scope 3 emissions and emissions outside the value chain (other influenceable emissions, OIE). How big the adjustments will be will depend, among other things, on the size of the organisation and the sector in which the certificate holder operates.

Two years left for 3.1 audits, three years to switch over

From 14 January 2027, it will no longer be possible for certificate holders to have 3.1 audits carried out. So the first audit after that date must be a 4.0 audit. As a result, there may still be valid 3.1 certificates until January 2028. The total transition period is therefore a maximum of three years. 

What does the transition scheme mean for contracting authorities?

We advise the third group, contracting authorities, to plan the transition to version 4.0 very carefully. Above all, it is advisable to carefully consider the timing before tendering with version 4.0 of the Ladder.

Tender with 3.1 until at least 2026

As most organisations will not yet be certified to version 4.0 in 2025, we advise contracting authorities not to tender with 4.0 before 14 January 2026. Until 14 January 2027, the advice is not to start tendering according to version 4.0 until the market is really ready. ‘Ready’ means that most of the (potential) tendering parties in the sector have switched over. 

Deploy 4.0 certificates in 3.1 tenders

A contracting authority deploying the Ladder version 3.1 as a Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) criteria could, starting in July 2025, receive a 4.0 certificate from a tenderer. SKAO recommends simply accepting these certificates as means of proof. In that case, step 1 can be seen as at least equal to level 1 to 3, and steps 2 and 3 as at least equal to level 5. 3.1 certificates may not be accepted in a 4.0 tender.

*Find translations in English and French here. German and Portuguese versions follow at a later date.