The province of Gelderland is the first government organization to be certified for level 5 on the CO₂ Performance Ladder. Deputy Jan Markink received the certificate on Monday 28 September 2020. The province aims to be a climate neutral organization by 2030.

By better insulating buildings, getting rid of gas (the House of the Province is completely gasless) and the use of heat pumps and solar panels, CO₂ will be significantly reduced in the coming years. The organization also focuses on behavioral change in a fun way. Both large and small steps can be taken to achieve the climate goals. Employees are motivated, stimulated and tools are provided to set a good example with CO₂ reduction as a result. For example, there is a conscious consideration of waste and the transport use of the province. In the future, employees will drive electric vehicles more often and make fewer business trips.

Jan Markink: “We now have complete insight into how much CO₂ emissions we have in our province, especially on our provincial roads. We would like to set a good example with our electric provincial cars and encourage others. ”