Since earlier this year, Mosadex has been certified at level 3 on the CO₂ Performance Ladder. The total supplier in pharmaceutical care hopes that working with the Ladder will also inspire and motivate employees and value chain partners to actively pursue CO₂ reduction. ‘If you really want to create change, you have to make yourself heard, both inside and outside your organisation.’
Better together every day, is Mosadex‘s motto. By this, the pharmaceutical company refers not only to its contribution to people’s health, but also to creating a clean and sustainable future. Project leader Aniek Aalbers: ‘We were already doing things in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but we wanted to increase our positive contribution to the climate even further. In 2022, I started a working group with two colleagues to work more actively on sustainability within Mosadex. In 2023, we started thinking more specifically about the steps we were going to take in this regard. The reduction of CO₂ was part of that.’
Working with the CO2 Performance Ladder
According to Aalbers, the only thing lacking were tools and methodologies to measure and structurally reduce their impact. ‘Via contacts we came into contact with the CO₂ Performance Ladder. For us, it was the missing tool to structurally work on CO₂ reduction. The decision to start working with it was therefore quickly made. We soon found out that we needed external help. It was all fairly new to us and we simply didn’t know where to start. So we called in a sustainability consultant. He helped us step by step with planning and an approach to the process. At the same time, we also didn’t want to put too much on the consultant’s shoulders. In the end, we have to do it all ourselves, so we also want to have the knowledge ourselves.’
Starting with a baseline measurement
To work effectively on saving CO₂ emissions, you first have to know where you stand, says Aalbers. ‘Out of enthusiasm, I wanted to start with all kinds of savings measures right away, but our Chief Operational Officer (COO) and also internal client stressed that before we could get started, we had to do a baseline measurement. Of course, he was absolutely right about that. If you don’t have a good picture of the current situation, you can’t make structured improvements. Moreover, you run the risk of taking measures that may later turn out not to be the most efficient. At both our head office and our various organisational units (see box, ed.), we have mapped out scope 1 and 2 CO₂ emissions.’
About Mosadex
Mosadex is a total supplier of pharmaceuticals, medication safety and innovation in healthcare. The pharmaceutical wholesaler supplies products and services to more than 800 affiliated independent pharmacies, 500 Service Pharmacies, 250 healthcare institutions, 300 drugstores and more than 11 million (healthcare) consumers in the Netherlands. The Mosadex Group consists of twelve companies spread across the Netherlands.
CO2 Performance Ladder as a big stick
The baseline measurement formed the basis for setting ambitions and targets. Aalbers: ‘Here, we use the terms roofshot and moonshot. A roofshot is a goal that is realistic and within reach. For example, 51 per cent less CO₂ emissions in 2027 compared to 2023. A moonshot is a goal we dream about. That motivates us to work on it. The CO₂ Performance Ladder is a big stick in this respect. The fact that you are audited every year and have to communicate about your ambitions and results ensures that you keep working on it. That was exactly what we were looking for.’
Green power from the Netherlands
The first step was to look at the impactful strokes within scope 1 and 2, says Aalbers. ‘The biggest one was switching to Dutch green power. We will do this by 1 January 2025. We thought we already had this, but we turned out to have European green power. Dutch green power is a bit more expensive, though, so we first had to convince the board of the importance of this. We are also in the process of electrifying our vehicle fleet. One of the ways we are doing this is by encouraging employees to choose an electric lease car. We may eventually make this compulsory. We are also setting up a canopy with solar panels in the car park at one of the organisational units and we have gone from three to two wholesalers. That will also make a significant difference in our CO2 emissions.’
Inspire and motivate organisation
In July 2024, Mosadex was certified at level 3 of the CO₂ Performance Ladder. According to Aalbers, this certification is not only important for setting and achieving targets, but also has an inspiring effect. ‘If you really want to create change, you have to make yourself heard. The Ladder also encourages broad communication, both internally and externally. Internally, we call on employees via intranet, newsletters and screens in canteens to help think about smart measures to reduce emissions. I myself now have in my e-mail signature: Did you know that each 1MB e-mail emits up to 20 grams of CO₂? Delete mails (if you can) and reduce your emissions. I get positive responses to that. It makes people think. Several colleagues have adopted this in their signatures.’
Certificate makes sustainability tangible
Mosadex also uses the Ladder and their certification in its external communications. Aalbers: ‘It is a good way of expressing our commitment to sustainability. This is not only important for customers and suppliers, it also makes you more attractive as an employer. We notice that young people increasingly ask what we are doing in the field of sustainability. A certificate then makes it really concrete and tangible. After all, sustainability is often an abstract subject. I also notice that the certificate has brought a sense of pride to the entire organisation. That is very nice to see.’
Thinking further ahead together
To take further steps in the coming years, the project team has appointed a coordinator at all organisational units, says Aalbers. ‘These are our ‘ambassadors’: colleagues who have an affinity with sustainability, can gather data and want to contribute to thinking about further reduction. We have now set targets for the next three years with corresponding measures, but what comes next? We need to think about that now. We can all come up with plans from within the project team, but it is smarter to do it together. Not only because of the commitment, but also to come up with better solutions that fit with practice and local operations.’
Getting started with the chain
Now that Mosadex has taken the first steps with the CO2 Performance Ladder, the ambition is growing, says Aalbers. ‘We also want to take steps in the rest of the supply chain. The impact of driving medicines around is now not included in the baseline measurement and certification because we outsource our logistics, while transport has a significant share in our emissions. We will investigate whether we can gain insight into the footprint of transport together with our transport partner. It would also be nice if we could join forces with competitors in distribution. Because of stricter regulations, it will soon no longer be possible to go into the city centre with a petrol or diesel van. We need to find a solution for that together. Working on sustainability is not a competition; you do it for the whole planet.’