This is the second time the ministry publishes the aforementioned sustainability report. It provides an overview of the ministrys own energy use, savings and the procurement of sustainably produced products and services. It also describes the measures and efforts undertaken in the past year by the ministry, Rijkswaterstaat, the KNMI, the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, the Dutch Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate, the Netherlands Emissions Authority and the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Authority.


In 2016, the CO2 output of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment was 126.6 KT. This equates to the CO2 output of 28,000 households. This output is 28% lower than in 2009, and 18% lower than in 2015. The bulk of the emissions is related to the energy use including lighting along roads and waterways and fossil fuel use by Rijksrederij ships.

Pairing table CO₂ Performance Ladder

The reduction objective for Scope 1 and 2 of the ministry is 20%. The CO₂ Performance Ladder systematics demand that organisations set an objective per scope. The ministry for Infrastructure and the Environment aims to achieve a 5% reduction within Scope 1 and 15% within Scope (20% in total). In light of our certification for the CO₂ Performance Ladder, we hereby report on our CO₂ emissions in conformity with the internationally recognised norm for greenhouse gas reporting, ISO 14064-1. This norm describes, among other things, what type of information must be present in a CO₂ emission report.

The main CO₂ reducing measures taken in 2016 are:

Secretary-General Lidewijde Ongering:

‘I am very proud that we are the first ministry and second public body to certify for the CO₂ Performance Ladder; a tool that aids organisations in the reduction of their CO₂ output through energy savings, a more efficient use of materials and renewable energy.

With it, we show that we are leading by example. And, not entirely unimportant: the performance ladder shows our structural CO₂ output and how we are reducing it. Last years 18% reduction shows that we have done exceptionally well. That motivates me to keep taking further steps.