Climate neutral in 2030

The Dutch province of Gelderland aims to be climate neutral in 2030. By applying insulation materials on its buildings, removing gas installations for heating to make use of heating pumps instead and installing solar panels to generate green electricity, the province strives towards more reduction of carbon emissions through its buildings. The organisation will also stimulate behavioral change on the work space. In order to achieve the climate goals, both small and large steps are essential. The province aims to motivate its employees and hand them tools to achieve the greatest amount of CO₂ reduction. To do this, the organisation will develop sustainable waste management and stimulate the use of electric vehicles for its employees to travel.

Dutch government organisations obtaining certificates for CO₂ reduction

Earlier this year, various government organisations have committed towards obtaining a certificate on the CO₂ Performance Ladder by signing the energy agreement of Gelderland (GEA). The Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement and Business (SKAO) calls upon other governments to follow the example of Gelderland and obtain a certificate on the CO₂ Performance Ladder as well.

Dimitri Kruik, chairman of SKAO: “It is amazing to see that the province of Gelderland has obtained a certificate for the CO₂ Performance Ladder. With this, the province becomes a credible and exemplary partner in the transition towards sustainable energy.”

CO₂ Performance Ladder

The CO₂ Performance Ladder is an instrument that helps organisations to structurally reduce its carbon emissions within the company, its projects and in its business chain. Organisations that obtained a certificate on the Ladder will also receive an award advantage during tenders. The instrument is used as both a CO₂ management system as well as a sustainable procurement instrument.