Almost 1 in 5 organisations that have implemented the CO₂-Performance ladder now works with self-generation at business premises. For offices, this is now even 1 in 3. This growth has been rapid in recent years. Gijs Termeer, director at SKAO: “We also see that a CO₂ management system like the CO₂-Performance ladder works. It is time to stimulate this more widely in the Netherlands. That way, it really becomes part of their policy and we save energy in those places where it matters. So a construction company focuses mainly on emission-free equipment, about 80 to 90% of its CO₂ footprint (the office is often about 5%). A production company mainly looks at its production process. The motivation is therefore not only to tick off a government measure, but to think together about where we can make a difference.”
Increase in electrification of mobility and mobile equipment
For mobility, transport and other construction activities, electrification is an important reduction strategy. This is starting to become visible in the Measure List. The number of organisations using at least one mobile tool will more than double by 2021. About 1 in 5 organisations that have mobile equipment now has at least one electric machine. Almost a third of organisations now have at least 5% of their vehicles electric, an increase of 45%. For more than a tenth, this is already more than 15%.
Rise of gasless offices, but Label C lags behind
A new measure on the list of measures in 2021 is the gasless office. Already 140 organisations have indicated that they are working towards this. According to the law, all offices must have Energy Label C by 1 January 2023. Implementation of this measure is slowly increasing, but according to the Measure List, only 33% of organisations currently have an average Energy Label C or better for their buildings. This number may have increased by 25% in 2021, but it also means that at least two-thirds still do not meet the legal requirement of 1 January 2023. Termeer: “It is of course questionable whether this is where the biggest gains can be made. After all, the office is not the place where a large number of organisations can achieve the greatest reduction. The focus must lie on the primary process, where most energy is used. We do expect that the war in Ukraine will increase the urge to save energy and to use electricity.
About the Measure List
The more than 1,200 certificate holders on the CO₂ Performance Ladder (over 5,000 organisations in total) report annually on the measures taken and planned to reduce CO₂. Collectively, this now involves almost 30,000 measures. On average, about 25 per organisation. The Measure List provides a basis for organisations to compare themselves with other organisations with similar business activities. For organisations that start with the CO₂ Performance Ladder, the list can also provide ideas for possible measures.