Selecta and Pelican Rouge Coffee Roasters (PRCR) strive for sustainable development and are convinced that good business performance is realised when there is a balance between People, Planet and Profit. An important starting point is to strive for the smallest possible ecological footprint.

The annual mapping of a CO₂ footprint offers Selecta and PRCR the opportunity to monitor its emissions and to steer on measures to reduce CO₂ emissions and make business operations more sustainable. With the help of the CO₂-Performance Ladder Selecta and PRCR reduce an huge amount of energy.

The CO₂Performance ladder is a leading sustainability tool in the Dutch market. Encouraging companies to do something about CO₂ reduction, that is the idea behind the CO₂-Performance Ladder. The CO₂ Performance Ladder has five levels, rising from 1 to 5. The more a company endeavours to reduce CO₂ emissions, the higher its position on the ladder. By achieving step 3 on the ladder, Selecta and PRCR have shown that they are among the leaders in the field of sustainable business.