The Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement & Business (SKAO) introduces version 4.0 of the CO₂ Performance Ladder, the leading sustainability tool for companies and governments actively working on CO₂ reduction. On 14 January 2025, the new version of the Ladder was published in Dutch, and as from today it is also available in French and English. The updated version offers a strengthened approach, supporting organisations in achieving ambitious climate goals and accelerating the energy transition. With an increased focus on aligning with the Paris agreement, the Ladder helps organisations take effective steps towards completely eliminating their emissions.

Climate Transition Plan

Version 4.0 introduces for the higher steps a climate transition plan as a core component, through which organisations set a path to zero emissions by 2050 at the latest. The plan includes concrete intermediate goals and associated measures tailored to each organisation’s specific situation. The Climate Transition Plan stimulates cooperation within supply chains and helps organisations to realise targeted CO₂ reductions, both in the short and long term. By combining ambition with practical methods and continual improvement, version 4.0 supports organisations in developing effective and future-oriented emission reduction strategies.

Better alignment with international standards 

Version 4.0 of the CO₂ Performance Ladder better aligns with international standards, such as the climate goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). This not only helps companies comply with legislation, but also provides a practical guide to achieve compliance, and beyond, making maximum impact with their CO₂ reduction measures.

Addressing climate change as a collective challenge 

The CO₂ Performance Ladder was introduced in 2009 and has since grown to become the instrument in the Netherlands, Belgium and increasingly across Europe for promoting climate-conscious business. Over 8,000 organisations (falling under 1,500+ certificates) and over 300 contracting authorities regularly use the Ladder. Research shows that organisations certified for the CO2 Performance Ladder reduce CO2 twice as fast as non-certified organisations.

Transitional rule gives organisations two years to transition to version 4.0

To give organisations enough time, there is a two-year transition period during which certificate holders, certification bodies (CBs) and contracting authorities can prepare. CBs must have their accreditation in order within six months, while certificate holders can choose to be audited according to version 3.1 or 4.0 until January 2027. After that point, 4.0 will be the only certification option. Contracting authorities are advised to use version 4.0 in tenders only from 2026, with full implementation from 2027. Read more about the transitional scheme here.  

You can download the new version of the CO₂ Performance Ladder below, in English. Look here for the French documents.

Download Step 1

Download Step 2

Download Step 3

Download the Certification Regulation