Willemen Infra and the CO₂ Performance Ladder
FR Over the past 15 years, the CO₂ Performance Ladder has become a leading Green Public Procurement tool and CO₂ management system in the Netherlands and Belgium. With growing international interest, it’s now being introduced in Ireland, France, Germany, Portugal and the UK. These testimonials showcase how international organisations are using the Ladder, sharing key insights on successful implementation and the benefits it offers.
How do international contracting authorities and companies work with the CO2 Performance Ladder?
Learn more about the essential elements of the CO2 Performance Ladder.
The importance of a solid foundation with independent scheme management, third party verification and accreditation.
Creating support in policy and the market by involving small businesses and promoting sustainable development.
How to start with the Ladder in your country: feasibility and essential elements.
A reflection on the development of the Ladder by the early initiators and adoption in Belgium.
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Franky Van den Berghe and Dirk Christianen from Willemen Infra show us around at their asphalt plant in Belgium. How does Willemen Infra reduce its carbon emissions by using the CO2 Performance Ladder?
To prepare Amsterdam for major climactic changes the CO₂ Performance Ladder is a guiding principle in Amsterdam’s public procurement. Amsterdam and its partners show us how they work with the Ladder. Over the last 14 years, the CO₂ Performance Ladder has developed into a key Green Public Procurement (GPP) tool and the number one CO₂ management system in the Netherlands and Belgium. To support the implementation of the CO₂ Performance Ladder across Europe, our testimonials represent a selection of stories and examples from the history of the Ladder since 2009. They collect the lessons we have learned: what is needed to successfully implement the Ladder, and what benefits does it bring?
Micheál O’Connor, Senior Procurement Executive at Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) talks about his experience implementing the Ladder into their procurement process.
An explanation in 10 minutes.
The essentials in 4 minutes.
The early initiators – Patrick Buck (ProRail), Jan Hendrik Dronkers (Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management) and Nico de Vries (Royal BAM Group) – reflect on the development of the Ladder. What are the key success factors and what is required to successfully implement the CO2 Performance Ladder?