The EED energy audit has been adopted by the European Parliament with the aim of reducing European energy consumption by 20 percent by 2020. Large companies, which are companies with more than 250 employees or an annual turnover of 50 million euros or more and a balance sheet total of 43 million or more, are subject to the EED energy audit obligation.
The Dutch government has defined a number of exceptions, whereby companies do not have to carry out an energy audit because they already do this by default. This applies, for example, to MJA3 / MEE and ISO 50001. The requirements of the CO₂ Performance Ladder from level 3 correspond to the requirements set for the energy audit. A certification from level 3 on the CO₂ Performance Ladder has therefore been recognized as acceptable for the audit obligation, according to the advice of RVO.
Municipalities are also subject to audit
With a certificate from level 3 on the CO₂ Performance Ladder, organisations can comply with this audit obligation. The obligation does not only apply to companies. Some municipalities also have to carry out the EED energy audit: these are municipalities that meet the criteria of a large company in terms of their economic activities. Like companies, municipalities carry out economic activities. Examples include operating a swimming pool, a sports field, a real estate company or a land company.